Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Work

Game Credit
Here's a link to my current game credit. I worked QA on Forza Motorsport 3.

My senior project is a game called Void. I coded the graphics and user interface. I was also the Team Producer and Co-Designer. You can download it here. And here is a video showcasing the gameplay:

My junior year project was Slushball. An intense multiplayer battle royale where you play as snowballs and combine different elements to defeat your opponents. I was responsible for the game design, gameplay, and balancing.
You can download the complete game, here.
And here is a video of Slushball in action:

Slushball Gameplay from blitter on Vimeo.

All content © 2009 DigiPen (USA) Corporation, all rights reserved.

3D Ray Tracer
I have programmed a 3D Ray tracing program. Here are some renders:

3D Animator
Here are some screenshots from a 3D animator I did using '.X' files. I manually animated them, bypassing DirectX functionality and having full control of the animation process using Quaternion Slerp.

Creative Writing
At DigiPen, I was given the opportunity to exercise my imagination by writing several short stories. Here are my favorite works of creative fiction that I have written:
Creative Writing